
Saturday 17 December 2011

Holiday Hariziz

Right you two, time to get your hair conditioned.
Wot for? It'z just fine az it iz.
No, it's a mess, especially yours NyXy.
I'm ready. I'll go first.
That's great, thanks Precious.

Nice and silky.
You weren't supposed to put your hands in there. Come on, out you come.

It feels soft already.
It'll be even better when I've combed it, but I'm glad you're happy.
Thank you, mum.
You're welcome, Precious.

Right - your turn now NyXy.


It's freezing. Get me out of here right NOWZ.
Don't be such a baby. It's not freezing at all.
*kicking legs widly*
Ok, just keep still a minute.
*whips her out in a flash*

I gotz it in my eye.

And it stingz!

And it'z all YOUR fault.
I beg your pardon. Let me point out that you are the one that kept wriggling and dipped your own eye in the conditioner.

*ggg - gggg- gggggg*

Stopz dat gigglingz you! It'z not funnyz.
Isn't it? I thought it was.

No and if you keepz laughing I'll put you in eyez first.

Try it! I'm bigger than you.

Girls! Stop this arguing and try and get along. Remember why you're having this done?
*ggg* Yes.
Honestly NyXy, lighten up! We're going to Florida!

*dancing and singing*
We're going to Flobida,
riding the skyz in an Air-airbus

Taking some toyz and da cam-ee-ra
and eating Cindy at da Ca-ah-stle.

Isn't that the tune from West Side Story, but wait a minute, what did you say?
You are NOT eating Cindy, you're going to eat at her Round Table.

Ingnutz! Oh, you mean, nutz as in you're going too?
*ears up*
Yes, you're going too. 

Woo hoo, just 15 and a half days before we hop on that plane!!!

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